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山有木兮木有枝 心悦卿兮卿不知(3/3)

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  两人上车后,中年男子不好意思的说道,“Sorry guys. The other volunteers’ve just come, I need to arrange for them first. By the way, I’m Ben, the project coordinator. In the next 6 months, just let me know if you need anything or have any question.”

  Allen回过头来和穆桃对视一眼,刚想回应,未料Ben又说道,“And if you two want to go parachuting, just tell me. Volunteers here can get discount.”

  穆桃挑了一下眉,问道,“Ok. And Ben, there is actually a problem for us. Which bus can we take up to mountain to school tomorrow?”

  “Take it easy. My staff will lead you to the bus stop and ensure you guys get in the right bus.”

  “Could you just tell us which bus shall we take We can go by ourself.”

  “Actually, buses here are named by Nepali. It’s hard for you to recognize the right one. Don’t worry, lady, my staff will lead you every morning. This is what we have been doing.”






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