En Novels热力推荐
Belle Adams' Butler
- 作者:ash_knight17
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Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman
- 作者:ZerahNeko
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Way Of The Knights
- 作者:Hateful_Fellow
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Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai
- 作者:Hishi Kage Dairi
- Onthatday,duetotheoutbreakofanunprecedentedandabnormalevent,
En Novels周推
Jujutsushi Wa Yuusha Ni Narenai
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[En Novels] Travel Back In Time With Super Intelligence System
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[En Novels] Gate Guardian - Song Of The Frozen Soul
[En Novels] Broken Heart Kills
[En Novels] Poisoning the World: The Secret Service Mysterious
En Novels·小说列表
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2020-05-08Twisted Love
- 作者:Sadda热度:200°C
- MutualLoveisadream,One-sidedLoveanightmare.Beingabletoobtain...
- 最新章节: Chapter 78: Not A Chapter
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2020-05-08My Fiance is in Love with My Little Sister
- 作者:Hanabusa热度:280°C
- Aah,again?Myfianceisgazingintentlyatmycharmingyoungersister....
- 最新章节: Chapter 52
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2020-05-08The CEO's Loser Wife: Rise Of The Villainous Queen
- 作者:Yolohy热度:40°C
- Hestoodthere,soakingwetinthepouringrain,earnestlylookingathe...
- 最新章节: Of Alchemy 93 I Do Not Have Any Regrets Part 6
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2020-05-08The Weapon Master's Transmigration
- 作者:Arowan热度:200°C
- MeetColeSteward.Amanrenownedacrossthegalaxiesforhisabilityto...
- 最新章节: Chapter 135
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2020-05-08I Was Kicked Out Of The Hero's Party Because I Was
- 作者:Zappon热度:40°C
- InaFantasyworldinwhichayounggirlwiththeDivineProtectionofthe...
- 最新章节:n't A True Companion So I Decided To Have A Slow Life At The Frontier Chapter 154
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2020-05-08The Return Of The Devil's Wife
- 作者:feipei热度:160°C
- Thedayshediedwasthedayshefinallyrealizedthatherdetachmentand...
- 最新章节: 104 The Hunt 3
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2020-05-08Depressed Thoughts Of A Girl
- 作者:polaroid200热度:282°C
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- 最新章节: 1 First Day At High School
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- 作者:pomer热度:440°C
- XiaoChen,acultivatingexpertrisesfromaweakmortaltoaworld-shak...
- 最新章节: -1 Power Levels,Cultivation Techniques And Skills
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2020-05-07Revenge Of The Sixth Young Lady
- 作者:Lian Shuang热度:440°C
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- 最新章节: Chapter 39
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2020-05-07Cinderella Innocent And Boss Charming
- 作者:Mo Zi Bai热度:120°C
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- 最新章节: Chapter 39
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2020-05-07Warm Embrace: You Are Now Home
- 作者:XianXiao热度:80°C
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- 最新章节: 2 Chapter 1
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2020-05-07Sexy Dad!
- 作者:hhbcgyk热度:80°C
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- 最新章节: 1 1.Fuck Me!
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2020-05-07Robot World
- 作者:Deadmanwonder热度:40°C
- LaterIWillfinishthestory...
- 最新章节: 3 Chapter 1
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2020-05-07Harry Potter Rejection Letters
- 作者:theimaginator热度:80°C
- whatifHarrypotterrejectedhisletterwelltherearetonsofoneshots...
- 最新章节: 1 Percy Jackson
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2020-05-07Billoinare Secret Wife
- 作者:Sukanyadhar22热度:160°C
- Thisisastoryofabillionairehusbandandhisbeautifulwife.Withalo...
- 最新章节: 2 Character Sketch
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2020-05-07Flirtious CEO
- 作者:Kaylakay热度:40°C
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- 最新章节: 2 What A Coincidence!
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2020-05-07A Cursed Love
- 作者:Jairus17热度:120°C
- ACursedLovesummaryisupdating.ComevisitNovelonlinefull.comsom...
- 最新章节: 1 The Begining
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2020-05-07Guardian's Race Index
- 作者:TrueGuardian32热度:320°C
- ThisisacollectionsofRacesthatweremadeinmymindthatImayuseinla...
- 最新章节: 4 The Mantid
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2020-05-07Fat Boi Transcends Into Another World
- 作者:Flashie热度:120°C
- Itsjustastoryaboutafatboi......
- 最新章节: 1 This Is Whack!!!
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2020-05-07Hello My Friend
- 作者:adamstubb123热度:120°C
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- 最新章节: 5 After All
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2020-05-07The Teenage Life
- 作者:ExtraAnonymous1001热度:120°C
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- 最新章节: 1 Introduction-1
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2020-05-07Beauty In The Depths
- 作者:zakia_1904热度:120°C
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- 最新章节: 1 Oh I'm Ugly
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2020-05-07Break Up With Your Girlfriend
- 作者:Yuyuwx热度:40°C
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- 最新章节: 1 Prologue
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- 作者:Shikamaru2018热度:80°C
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- 最新章节: 1 Opening
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2020-05-07Love In The Vast
- 作者:yunh热度:80°C
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- 最新章节: 1 Pamper
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2020-05-07Ethereal Paradigm: Arcadia Of Darkness
- 作者:ICARUS热度:200°C
- Senttoa'Reality'gamedecreedbytheDivines,andwherekillingshoul...
- 最新章节: 109 Death Parade
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2020-05-07Another Day As An Assassin
- 作者:RoseXD热度:120°C
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- 最新章节: 1 A Normal So Far
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2020-05-07The Occultus
- 作者:Wymblx热度:80°C
- Let'sfindout....Wattpad:G.o.ddessGelly...
- 最新章节: 1 Prologue
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2020-05-07My Inky Life
- 作者:kitty0517热度:120°C
- ThisstoryaboutthepainthatIholdthroughmylife....
- 最新章节: 1 My School
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- 作者:EpicGamers159热度:120°C
- DragonSlayersummaryisupdating.ComevisitNovelonlinefull.comso...
- 最新章节: 6 Test Of Strength